
Calligraphy Exhibition of Centenarian Chui Choo Sin

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About The Programme


徐祖燊先生为新加坡书坛孜孜奉献,百岁仍如璀璨彩虹。深受徐老书法启迪,齐办“百岁彩虹:徐祖燊书法展” ,对他源远流长的挥毫生涯献上崇高致敬。


徐老在新加坡中华总商会参展多次,最早可追溯至1948年,在总商会大厦前身“大夫第”参加 “中正中学毕业班书画展”。时隔76年,今年100岁的徐老重返总商会举办个人书法展,展出百岁之际所创作的50余幅楷书,犹如少年归来,初心未变,是活跃乐龄的典范。


Mr. Chui Choo Sin has devoted himself to calligraphy. Deeply inspired by his calligraphy, the “Calligraphy Exhibition of Centenarian Chui Choo Sin” is jointly organised to pay tribute to his achievement at 100.

Mr. Chui is an outstanding second-generation calligrapher in Singapore. His writing style is smooth and rigorous, which uniquely reflects his personality. Generously he has been donating his calligraphies to charitable organisations to raise funds and give back to society.

Mr. Chui has participated in many exhibitions held in SCCCI. The earliest can be traced back to 1948, in the “Chung Cheng High School Graduation Art Exhibition”. After 76 years, the centenarian returns to hold a solo calligraphy exhibition, presenting more than 50 pieces of his recent works.

The event is jointly organised by Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce & Industry, The Alumni of Chung Cheng High School, Sian Chay Medical Institution, Cheng Hong Welfare Service Society, and Nanyang Confucian Association. Permanently displayed at the entrance of the exhibition venue, is a pair of calligraphy couplets written by Mr. Chui which was presented by then-Prime Minister Mr. Lee Hsien Loong in 2022.

Programme Details

Free admission and walk-ins are welcome

No booking required.

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