Home to the Business Community:

SCCCI Building Diamond Jubilee Celebration


商界之家 坚如磐石

SCCCI Building Diamond Jubilee Celebration

许多人路过禧街,都会被一栋具有华族传统文化特色的建筑吸引着目光。这栋竖立于禧街 47 号的大厦正是新加坡中华总商会(以下简称总商会) 的会所。

总商会会所经历了三个不同的阶段:大夫第(1873年至 1962年)、总商会大厦(1964年至 2017年)和翻新后的总商会大厦(2022 年至今)。不同时期的会所变迁,展现了总商会的价值与精神,也体现“家”的理念。

2024 年适逢总商会大厦落成 60 周年,我们借此特展重新认识总商会大厦的故事、反思它背后的意义、它在新加坡建国过程中扮演的角色.

Located at 47 Hill Street, the Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce & Industry (SCCCI) building stands as a symbol of traditional Chinese architecture. Over its three transformations—Da Fu Di (1873–1962), Chamber building (1964–2017), and the refurbished Chamber building (2022– present)—the structure embodies the Chamber’s values and spirit, representing the concept of “home.”

As we mark the 60th anniversary of SCCCI building in 2024, this special exhibition invites reflection on the Chamber’s historical significance and its role in Singapore’s nation-building journey.



Exhibition Showcase


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Activities Booking


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Calligraphy Exhibition of Centenarian Chui Choo Sin

07 Dec 2024 – 11 Dec 2024
Sat – Wed
Free admission and walk-ins are welcome.  

About the School Holiday Programmes at SCCCI



The Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce & Industry (SCCCI) presents its first series of school holiday programmes aimed at engaging children and families through cultural, educational, and recreational activities.

In conjunction with the SCCCI Building Diamond Jubilee Celebration, these programmes aim to deepen appreciation for Chinese business values, entrepreneurial spirit, and history, while offering interactive learning experiences. The programmes are free and open for registration. 

Discover More
On Our Website

For more details on our other activities and artefacts highlights you may refer to our website!



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Exhibition Map


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展 览 地图



Home to the Business Community


Discover the essence of the Chamber building through multimedia presentations on the members of the Chamber and memories of the building.

商 会 之 家


Solid as a Rock


Travel back in time to 1964! Discover the arduous journey of rebuilding the Chamber premises and witness its grand opening.

坚 如 磐 石


Marching Together

本区阐述总商会大厦与新加坡建国后的关系。新加坡建国后历经了不同阶段的经济与社会发展: 1970 年代的工业化、1980 年代的电脑化、1990 年代的全球化,2000 年后迈向知识经济、智慧国和绿色城市等方向转型。在这期间,总商会大厦见证了总商会积极配合政府政策,带领会员商家一起携手前进,为新加坡的经济发展和社会繁荣出一份力。

This zone highlights the relationship between the Chamber building and Singapore’s nation building journey. Following its independence, Singapore underwent various stages of economic and social development: industrialisation in the 1970s, computerisation in the 1980s, globalisation in the 1990s, and transitioning towards a knowledge economy, smart nation, and green city after 2000. The Chamber building witnessed how the Chamber actively aligned with the government policies, leading its member businesses to advance together and contribute to Singapore’s economic development and social prosperity.

携 手 前 进


Calling of the Times

本区介绍总商会大厦落成以来重要的里程 碑。访客可以回溯新加坡建国后,大厦见证了总商会致力于促进新加坡工商业、经济繁荣、文化教育活动以及社区服务发展的重要时刻。

This zone showcases the milestones of the Chamber after the completion of the Chamber building. Visitors will trace pivotal moments shaping Singapore’s development after its nation-building. The Chamber building witnesses the commitment of the Chamber to promote the development of industry and commerce, economic prosperity, cultural and educational activities as well as the community services of Singapore.

时 代 使 命


Forging Ahead

本区总结 2022 年大厦翻新后,总商会如何 配合政府政策,继续为国家和社会做出贡献。

This last zone recounts the recent refurbishment of the Chamber building in 2022, reinforcing the Chamber’s continued roles in service and contribution to the nation and society.

继 往 开 来

展 览 小礼物

Door Gifts


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展 览 展 示



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